Making a return to blogging

social media fatigue has finally set in for me

notes2024-08-01 04:00

I have returned to blogging, after years of wrestling around with social media, in all the haze of "content creation" and "eating from the newsfeeds".

As a web developer, there was no irony in not having a website. The reality of the internet evolved into a paradigm where everyone was on social media. Nobody seemed to be visiting websites. The allure of "getting heard" was high on the "big websites" instead.

However, my tastes have gradually shifted from that allure to a desire to organize information that pertains to my interests. In other words, I intend to see the internet less as a digital hangout and more as a filing cabinet. A few folders exist for various mediums:

In addition to those folders in the filing cabinet, I have this blog. I did not want to use WordPress because I felt it too "ready-made" for my web developer personality. Instead, I proceeded to use Sanity because it has allowed me to customize my front-end (website look and feel) as well as my back-end (data storage). It took a seriously long time to make this website. I wanted to code it myself with my preferences of features:

  • ability to search posts
  • ability to categorize (or "tag") posts
  • ability to customize the menu without coding
  • create static pages ("sides"), e.g. about page
  • allow keyboard accessibility features
  • user can choose "light mode" or "dark mode"
  • (more?)

Well, I've got all that "hard software" stuff out of the way so now I can finally blog!

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